Thursday, June 17, 2010

I hate the Lakers.


I hate the color yellow.

I hate the color purple.

I hate how incredibly SMUG the entire organization is. From the players to the coaches and fans.

I have a passionate hatred for Kobe Bryant.

I hate every commentator and referee that bows down and worships the ground he struts on.

I hate the extremely ugly "underbite-dog-snarl" face he pulls when he thinks he did something worth cheering for.

I hate how dirty Derek Fisher is. Sell out.

I hate the stupid "Star finder" camera that finds celebrities in the crowd. Who cares??

I hate how every Laker fan I talk to doesn't even care about basketball. It's just easy to cheer for a team that always wins. Go cheer for the Yankees. Wait, you already do.

Congrats on your win this year, Lakers. I hope you all choke on your massive egos.