Friday, May 21, 2010

Opening Boxes

...There are little moments in the day, when you're all alone and something incredible happens. The most regrettable thing about it? No one is there to share them with! So you smile to yourself and store it away. These moments get stored in your "you would NOT believe what happened today" memory box.

I'm opening that box and letting you peek.

It's a different world on the freeway, isn't it? It's a sensory feast. Colors, sights, sounds, and smells slap you in the face, all while you're going at speeds that would make your ancestors dizzy. Driving on the freeway reminds me of the Wizard of Oz, when Dorothy gets sucked up by the tornado. It's utter chaos as she sits at the window and the most RANDOM things appear; a lady in a rocking chair knitting... two men rowing a boat... a cow... the old lady riding a bike. Poor girl had no one to share THAT with! "People watching" is out of this world on the freeway. The phrase "PLEASE tell me you saw that!" wasn't invented until we built our first freeway back in 1940. True story!

I was driving to Park City, and got over to the right lane to take the I-215 exit. A van swerved in front of me to catch the exit last minute, and I passed them on the right. I glanced over and saw that it was a really old asian couple, and the man was driving. I smirked to myself. Because old people are cute. And couples are cute. Definitely NOT because of a certain culture's horrendous driving reputation. *ahem*

It hadn't been more than five minutes when that same van approached me again. As they passed me I peered over, and was completely FLOORED. The old woman was now DRIVING and the old man was sitting in the back seat. Both of them were grinning from ear to ear, and my jaw was in my lap. They had just brought new meaning to the phrase "chinese fire drill". They had switched drivers going 80 mph on the freeway. I wouldn't even do that. Respect.

So that's the memory I'm sharing from my "You would not believe what happened" box.

You're welcome.


Anonymous said...

Oh my laws Claire and I had that happen just on monday and I didn't think anyone else saw so I just tucked it away, but then Claire said I hope you saw that. I the whoel car was full of giggles.

Erin Axson said...

yet again... i thank you dear brother for brightening my humm drumm life.

I am sitting here typing at the computer while Henry is on my porch eating petunias... I am glad that I am the only one viewing this... his dad would have a fit!

flyingFinn said...

It's funny you saw that. I've yet to SEE it for myself, but as the story goes, whenever my dad and his parents were on a road trip, they didn't pull over. When one person was tired, they would slide behind, the person to the right would take the wheel and jump in their place, and the person in the back would slide up to the passenger's side, ready for the next switch. It was sommething like that, you should ask my dad about it...or my mom, she's the one that told me, and she thinks they were CRAZY! At least, as far as driving goes. So, I'm proud to say, even though I never knew her, I'm pretty sure I got my adventurous side from my grandma on my dad's side. :)

McKayJoice said...

Ha! that is an entire new meaning to Chinese fire drill.
