Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Girl at McDonalds

I have a crush.

...on the girl at McDonalds.

Before you judge me any further, let me preface this by explaining why.

This girl is not your average fast food employee. She doesn't wear the
little visor and matching polo adorned with the all-too familiar
golden arches logo.

She looks dolled-up enough to go out on the town for an evening. Hair
pulled back, big earings, stunning smile.

She's a blonde Kate Beckinsale.


Ordering a heart attack to go never felt so good.

"...and how can I help you?"

"yeah, i'll take YOU to go. And a number 13. Medium. No onions."


Spencer Morse said...

sneak us a pic, would you?

Anonymous said...

yes we need a picture, please.

Unknown said...

haha suddenly you're obsessed with Mickey D's. See the picture from your last blog. Hmmm...

Erin said...

Dude, that is so my dream job. Do you think they get number 7's for free?
Triple dog dare you to TALK TO HER!